Thursday, November 27, 2008

One night at ... the airport!

(*räusper* - Aus aktuellem Anlass habe ich mich dazu entschieden, für einmal mich in einer anderen Sprache auszudrücken. Wer also das Gefühl hat, ich hätte mein Deutsch verlernt, der ist zu Recht der Lüge zu verdächtigen.)

Well, Spotters are weird people sometimes. They carry ladders around airports and railway stations. They stay outside even when the weather is more than just awful. And they tend to sleep in airport buildings. Well, at least sometimes they do so.

The story takes us back into last year, when I travelled around the UK and Ireland with a friend of mine. We were a few days at Manchester and we tried to organize a trip to somewhere in between. We chose to fly to Dublin, as the flights were the cheapest available. There was just one problem still to solve: Should we book a hotel or should we try to spend the night, urm, in an other way.

My buddy and I, both around 20 years old at that stage, decided to do it the hard way. We opted to spend the night in the back then sole terminal building of Dublin's Airport. After spending the day around Manchester's Airport, we took our flight at 10pm. In fact, the flight was delayed, so the departure was moved to somewhere around 11pm. Not too bad for us though, as we didn't expect to get much sleep anyway...

After we landed firmly but safe (yea, everyone on board knew that we had touched down) landing we walked an awful long way from the parking position to the immigration and the baggage carousel. We quit the airside area and looked out for a place to hang out. Actually, we didn't expect to see so many people there at midnight. There were no more flights, neither arriving, nor departing. The last stores were about to close and we were accompanied by the sounds of vacuum cleaners and the likes.

To stay on the safe side, it is very helpful if at least one of two guys stays awake. To help not falling asleep, I decided to do a walk outside, around the parking lot and inside, around the terminal. The parking lot wasn't quite a cozy place though. Wind, rain, darkness and the ever repeating tune about not leaving behind any luggage made it very uncomfortable out there. Inside it was packed. Surely a few hundred people were spread all over the floors, lay on all the chairs available and of course, their luggage was kinda spread all over the place.

Around 3 o'clock in the morning, halfway through our short night, I got myself a little update on what's happened in the world. I dropped an e-mail to a buddy home in Switzerland. Only to get an instant reply! I returned to our spot and also got probably an hour's sleep. After a short breakfast (no, I won't explain that any further) we dropped our luggage at the bag storage and took off to the other side of the airport. We waited for the first planes to arrive from overseas and didn't get disappointed.

Dublin was well worth it. Around noon it felt like it was already late in the afternoon, because we had close to no sleep, but the experience of the lively airport at night was indeed a very special one!

Good night ;)


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