Monday, October 24, 2016

All naked - all normal!

There is nothing special about nudity. There are even places in this world where most people have seen their boss naked in the sauna and think this is 100% normal. Well, normal for them. To most people, nudity still has this something special attached to it. This counts for aviation as well. No. This is not going to be about flight attendants entering cockpits to apply for the mile-high club. This is about "new-born" aircraft that take to the air with just some protective layers applied to them, but without a proper fancy (or boring for that matter) paint job. It is a phenomenon that can usually be seen around aircraft manufactures like Airbus in Toulouse and Hamburg or Boeing in the US. I am lucky enough to live close to a couple of outfitters of private jets, so I get some exposure to flying nudity every now and then. So, if your average billionaire goes shopping for a new toy, they might initially look like these beauties seen in Bordeaux, France:

Should he however choose to go a bit bigger, he might end up with one of those Boeing Business Jets (the famous BBJs), just like this example that is now flying for the ruling family of Abu Dhabi:

And for I had not seen a proper big one in just its primer colours, this Airbus A330-200 rocked up at my homebase just the other week:

All of this just goes to say that there is absolutely nothing special about nudity. It is just for some bloody reason that people still tend to get a lot more horny about these planes than others … ;)

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